Corporate Compliance

Corporate Compliance Program Resolution of the Board of Directors Adopted at a Meeting Held on May 16, 2017.

At the regular meeting of the Golden Good Shepherd Home Board of Directors (the “Board”), the following Resolution was adopted:

Whereas, Golden Good Shepherd Home is committed to conducting its activities in accordance with all laws and regulations that apply to its business activities.

Whereas, Golden Good Shepherd Home is committed to establishing a high level of quality and service in all aspects of its operation.

Whereas, the Board believes it is important to document and demonstrate this commitment to Golden Good Shepherd Home’s residents, employees and our community.

Be It Resolved that the Board hereby implements the Golden Good Shepherd Home’s Compliance Program which is designed to prevent and detect violations of applicable laws and regulations. The development of the program is based on the Office of Inspector Generals’ seven fundamental elements of a compliance program:

  1. Implementing written policies, procedures and standards of conduct
  2. Designating a compliance officer and compliance committee
  3. Conducting effective training and education
  4. Developing effective lines of communication
  5. Enforcing standards through well-publicized disciplinary guidelines
  6. Conducting internal monitoring and auditing
  7. Responding promptly to detected offenses and developing corrective action

Be It Further Resolved that the Board hereby adopts the Code of Conduct and the Board Policies and Procedures contained in the Golden Good Shepherd Home’s Compliance Program dated May 16th, 2017.

Be It Further Resolved that the Board hereby adopts the position of a Compliance Officer and has approved the selection of Heather L. Whitaker to fill this position. The Compliance Officer will have the authority and responsibility for implementation and oversight of the Compliance Program.

Be It Further Resolved that the Board hereby establishes the Compliance Committee whose composition and responsibilities are contained in the above-referenced Compliance Program. The Board directs that the Administrator, in consultation with the Compliance Officer, select the Business Office representative to the Committee and select personnel to fill any vacancies until permanent appointments are made by the Board.

Be It Further Resolved that the Board hereby establishes the following timetable for implementation of the Compliance Program: Compliance Program to be distributed to employees, Directors, vendors and contractors by: August 1, 2017, employee training to be completed by August 1, 2017, baseline audit to be completed by March 2017, first quarterly report made by June 1, 2017, and first annual audit completed and annual report made by March 2018.

Be It Further Resolved that the Board hereby acknowledges a commitment to allocate adequate resources to the implementation and enforcement of the Compliance Program, as additional funds, personnel or contractors are required to the fullest extent possible. This resolution is hereby adopted by action of the Board of Directors, Golden Good Shepherd Home.